Monday, September 21, 2015

Rise of Sexual Assault in Texas

The crime of sexual assault has been around in Texas for a long time, but because it is often unreported by the victims in fear of receiving public attention, the issue has managed to stay dormant under many other issues going around in Texas and has been ignored by the mass majority of the public. Recent report made by the University of Texas Institute on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault has brought back the attention of the public when it was reported that sexual assaults have become much more prevalent in Texas than in 2003. Burnt Orange Report states that according to the survey statistics,  33.2% of Texans are survivors of sexual report. This means that approximately 1 in every 3 people in Texas have experienced sexual assault in their life. It was also noted that this is much higher than the national average of sexual assaults, which is 1 out of 6. There was also a direct link to the increased chance of sexual assault within a college. Every student in a college or university, without relations to the individual's academic skills, are at least 10% more likely to experience sexual assault. Although the issue of sexual assault is so difficult to reveal to the because it is such an under-reported crime, it is clear from these results that Texas needs to raise the awareness for sexual assault and do everything in order to stop the crime.

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